- Leave a comment here on my blog and
- Visit Crazyquiltgirl's blog and leave a comment.....please let her know you are visiting from Quiltnqueen.
- No need to be a follower but we would luv it if you did ....(o:
I will post the winners name on March 2nd....
Make sure you include an email address so I am able to contact you. If you are a no-reply commenter make sure you leave your email address in the comment section.
I'm joining the linky party so I am including Elizabeth's instructions...
1. Choose something to give away on Leap Day. Keep it simple. You can make something, give away a bit of your stash, offer a service, buy your favorite gadget to give away or offer something completely non-crafty. Your blog, you choose.
2. To participate in the blog hop, your giveaway must start and end on Leap Day (February 29, 2012). You can open it at 10:00 am and close it at 10:00 pm, or go midnight to midnight, or anything in between. Your blog, your rules.
3. Post your giveaway and then link up at Such a Sew and Sew. Please include the Leap Day Giveaway button (code found on the Leap Day Giveaway post) somewhere in your post. The linky will open at noon MST on February 28th and close at 10:00 am MST on March 1st, to allow for people in different time zones to participate.
4. If you want to include the linky on your giveaway post so that others can link up from your blog the code in available here. If you choose to add the linky to your post, you MUST include the above rules so that it is fair play for all.
I will post the winners name on March 2nd....
Make sure you include an email address so I am able to contact you. If you are a no-reply commenter make sure you leave your email address in the comment section.
Happy Blog Hopping....(o: