DGD2 is Miss Personality. She cracks me up. She loves her sunglasses, sometimes they are on upside down, her baby (she takes this baby everywhere, it has no clothes and no name) and she is usually carrying not 1, not 2 but multiple bags filled with all her little treasures. She spent a week with us the beginning of July. Every moment was precious. Now I'll have to remember to take my camera with me everywhere. I missed the photo of a lifetime.
Picture this......my little 2 year old DGD2 , in her nightie, hair do.......I'll just say it was a BAD HAIR MORNING........with her rain boots on the wrong feet ....... her sunglasses on upside down .....sitting in her miniature arm chair with bags/purses on both arms ..... hugging her bare baby ....... her doll stroller is parked beside her arm chair with more bags/purses hung on the stroller handles........and she has a mesmerized look on her face while she is watching Dora. She was totally focused on Dora.
I'll have to try to recreate this picture next time we go back to Canada. It was hilarious.
That something special I wanted to share with you will have to wait until my next post. Sorry. I'll have to wait until TAP returns from Grand Rapids. I want to link to this special someones blog and for some reason it just isn't working for me. If I get it to work before TAP returns I'll do another post before Monday. I am amazed I've completed another post, I thought it would be way way way over my head. I'm loving it but have to find a way to get 36 hours in my day.