It's a Christmas in July blog hop
hosted by Carol of Just Let Me Quilt and
Mdm Samm of Sew We Quilt!
Please visit the talented ladies listed below...
you will be inspired...
leave them some sweet comments
and make their day!
July 31
Pumpkin Patch Quilter
Bumbleberry Stitches
CLF by Nailaa
How Art You?
August 1
Life and Everthing Around It
I know I am behind ...already!!
I will be at a quilt 'University' this weekend...Friday, Saturday and Sunday
I'm taking classes on Friday and Saturday
and Sunday I'll be stitching on my HO HO HO projects in the hospitality suite.
I should be staying home and finishing HO HO HO sewing
but I just do not want to miss the fun.
This is the second year for me as registrar.
There are over 175 students taking class over 3 days.
This is what I will be making on Friday...

I still have some homework to do so I'm ready on Friday...
I'm almost there...
and then I have an all day class on Saturday
and still have prep work for that class too but I will be ready.
Saturday's class is wool applique.
We have over 175 students registered for 3 fun days.
This is my second year as QU Registrar and will be my last one
as I will be living back in Canada when it is time to plan the next QU.
My HO HO HO posting is on the last day...
I have been working on a few projects...I'm excited about them
maybe, just maybe I will give you a peek next week.
I will be having a giveaway on August 9th...that's my HO HO HO Day.
Have a wonderful day...until next time
happy stitching!!
I love that tote, I have made a couple myself. Hope you had a great weekend. Can't wait to see yours.