Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Winner...and Bowls with Borders final day

...it took me 5 days to find the tea towel...
I thought I would have to go to plan B.

the surprise giveaway winner is # 14 Sherry
I have sent her an email.

She wins the embroidered tea towel.
The pattern is a free design at Bird Brain Designs.
You can find all their free designs HERE.

I will keep the Bowls with Borders giveaway open until Friday morning.
there may be a surprise in store for that winner too,
 you just never know.

and now a recap of what you have to do to win
the Bowls with Borders giveaway....
...one comment please
...be a follower of my blog
and leave me a comment telling me 
your favorite quilting tool.
comments on this posting will not be included
please please comment HERE

A complete list of all the bowl hoppers can be found at 
Just Let Me Quilt...fabulous job Carol!!

Be inspired by today's guest bowl hoppers...

August 28th
Pam R.
Kathy G.
Marina R. 
Hildegard C.
Freemotion By The River
Good Earth Quilting
Heikes Quilt
Sparrow In Flight
Madame Samm 

Don't forget to hop over to Sew We Quilt to visit Madame Samm and see her top picks of the day.

All the blocks will be posted on
Madame Samm's Pinterest page, too.

hugs and happy stitching


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Day 7, 8 and 9 of the Bowls with Borders Blog Hop...surprise giveaway ending tomorrow

...I'll never get this far behind in a blog hop again...
it takes way too long to catch up.
I am still 3 days behind, the 18th, 19th and 20th...
so please bare with me, I'm reading them all and 
I don't want to miss a...one!!
I didn't want to be living in the past again so I did get
today's list read and left comments...
(my GIVE-A-WAY info is at the bottom of list...)

...are you ready to be inspired
start hopping
August 19th
Nancy C.
Sally K.
Margaret A.
Elisabeth K.
Busy As Can Be
Yet He Abideth Faithful
Butjenter Quilterin
Co mne baví....
Bitzstiffchen - Patchlissi`s Patchwelt

August 20th
Birgit H.
Vicki B.
Monika G.
Scher (no post)
Rosa Patch.The Love Of Sewing
Nuclear Knits
Hill Valley Quilter
Ninis Patchwork

August 21st
Shelley Lee
Mrs. Pickles Garden
Ninifee’s Kleines Cottage
Cherry Blossoms
Vogelines Patchwork
Heidi's Patchwork
chchris Quilts
I'm still working on the Frog quilt....and it is almost finished...
...here is one of the blocks...
the stitching on all the other blocks is finished except for the eyes.

It is just the cutest frog pattern!!
If you are interested in the pattern you can order it from
Crazyquiltgirl Fabric Shop

What was I thinking doing 2 giveaways ....

...for my surprise giveaway go HERE to leave your comment.
it's towards the bottom of the posting
Winner will be picked August 22....that's tomorrow!!
~~~~~~Surprise giveaway closed~~~~~~

...for my giveaway for Bowls with Borders Blog Hop go HERE
to leave your comment
good luck!!
hugs and happy stitching


Saturday, August 18, 2012

Day 5 and 6 of Bowls with Borders Blog Hop...and another giveaway...a surprise one...

...if you know me you will know I am always behind, 
I'm always doing today what I should have done yesterday
and in this case on August 13th
...schedule for yesterday

August 17th
Be prepared to be inspired....

Beate from Gabrielles Atelier
Sharon-Quilt Sheddy
Searching Out Simple 
Little Mushroom Cap

August 18th

Ann E.
Peanut's Patchwork

If you are looking for my Bowls with Borders Blog Hop giveaway click HERE
It is a Bird Brain Design pattern giveaway!  

 I am having a second giveaway a surprise one...
and there are rules, 
yes the rules below must be followed...sorry

1.  leave a comment on Bird Brain Designs blog
2. in the comment include 'QuiltnQueen sent you'
3. come back to this posting and tell me you did 1. and 2.
Robin, Tina and Brenda will be surprised....
You do not have to be a follower of our blogs, but it would be nice if you choose to follow us...:o)

Not sure what the giveaway will be....could be a pattern,
...could be something I embroidered,
if you are NOT a hand embroiderer this may be your chance 
to have the embroidery done for you 
...could be your choice of a Bird Brain Design pattern...
it is a surprise...to me too
and a 'spur of the moment' giveaway!!

I'll pick a winner on August 22 by noon Michigan time
from comments on this post that follow the 3 rules.

Bird Brain Designs is having a sale going on right now...till  Wednesday August 22
10% off Christmas section...I've placed my order!!

NOW... back to the Bowls with Borders Blog Hop
...please hop over to Sew We Quilt to visit Mme Samm 
and see her top picks of the day.

Also visit Madame Samm's Pinterest page as all the blocks will be posted there!

hugs and happy stitching


Thursday, August 16, 2012

Day 4 Bowls with Borders...

It's my day to share with you on the 'Bowls with Borders' blog hop....

...first a big thank you to  Mme Samm, for her endless hours of hard work to make these blog hops happen. 
a big thank you to Carol, for being a great hostess
and one more thank you to Regina for her generosity...supplying us with the pattern we used to make our bowls.

I must say I did struggle with the paper piecing but I am very happy with 
the bowls I have to share.

The first one is a message board...
...the fabric I used was Moda's Redwork Renaissance 
by Chloe's Closet and 
I embroidered the cherries in the bowl.
The cherries are from Bird Brain Designs pattern
'Fresh from the Garden'
After struggling with my bowl of cherries  
I decided to try making some more bowls...it went a little better 
and I do luv it....
The block is 7.5" x 11.5" and made with scraps from my stash!!
I'm undecided on what I will make with these bowls, 
I know I will come up with something cute!!
Please visit the other fabulous bloggers that are 
participating in the Bowls with Borders Blog Hop today,  
they will over flow their bowls with inspiration for us.

August 16th
Gabi S. (no show)
Monique H. (no show)
Sew Inspiring Crafts and More (no show)

I have a Bird Brain Designs 
Halloween Witches pattern to giveaway...
...the ghost in the middle is the one I used in my bowl
I added a bat and a spider...

...one comment please
...be a follower of my blog
and leave me a comment telling me 
your favorite quilting tool.

I will draw the winner at the end of the Bowls with Borders Blog Hop.
I must have a way to contact you, if you have a no reply email, 
make sure you leave your email in your comment.

Please hop over to Sew We Quilt to visit Mme Samm 
and see her top picks of the day.

Also visit Madame Samm's Pinterest page as all the blocks will be posted there!

hugs and happy stitching


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Day 1 and Day 2 Bowls with Borders...

Day 1 August 13...

Day 2 August 14
Jen Duncan
Sharon D.

I have family visiting from Canada....we have been busy
shopping, eating, and sewing....
I'm sewing on my Bowls with Borders...and I am struggling...
I have paper pieced a lot, but never struggled like this!!
Six hours later I  still don't have a bowl to show you.
Please send me some good vibs....paper piecing vibs...
has anyone else struggled with this pattern?????
Or is it just me...DA!!!!
My day for the blog hop is on the 16th.
I am in panic mode!!

....just picked from my garden
and this may be the bowl you see on the 16th!!
I have a small garden and finally the veggies are coming!

I am so sorry for being so late announcing the winner of the 
'Think Christmas' blog hop...

the winner is....
Karen ~ Briarside Lane 

I have sent Karen an email.

Hope to see you all on Thursday....
hugs and happy stitching!


Saturday, August 4, 2012

Day 6 of Think Christmas Blog Hop

I missed  the Christmas train today as I was out with the Grandones
We went to the Henry Ford Museum.
and were able to see the Titanic Exhibition ...it was awesome!!
I hope you all were able to board the Christmas train 
and were 'over the moon' inspired.
The Grandones head back to Canada sometime on Monday...
and then I will get to all the blogs I've missed...

On August 4th the Christmas train made station stops at....

See you tomorrow, it will be my day to share my blocks...
and.........I will have a give away!!
I still have some stitching to do, so I better get at it!!
I'll definitely be burning the midnight oil again!!

hugs and happy hopping


Friday, August 3, 2012

My little log cabin & Think Christmas Day 5

I had a few guesses as to what the log cabin has inside....
it's not for the birds...
take a peek....
yes it houses my clothes pins.
It was a gift from my Mom
many years ago...at least 15 and maybe more like 20.
I think of you every time I use it...xoxo
It came with flowers planted in front of the fence,
there were no curtains but I thought it needed some ruffled curtains
and now I think 
I should replace the curtains in the window 
and plant new flowers out the front.  The roof doesn't leak
the clothes pins are always nice a dry.
...last call to board the Christmas train, 
it's leaving  the station at 12:00 a.m. August 3
from Santa Lesley's in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada
stops today include some breathtaking scenery at

hugs and happy stitching


Thursday, August 2, 2012

I love this little cabin...day 4 Think Christmas Blog Hop

Every post must have a picture....
can you guess what this little cabin is for??

...all aboard
...the stations we will be rolling into today are full of inspiration...
get your ticket and hop on the Think Christmas train...

Sandra Kaye Designs
North Hills Quilter
Nancy B at That Other Blog

The grandones are coming tomorrow...for 4 days
and I haven't seen them since the middle of May...it's been way too long
they probably have grown 2 inches.
I really need lots of hugs!!
I will be busy hopping but not on the Christmas train.
I have missed a few stops already but
I will catch up and read all your blogs, I don't want to miss a block.

Now it is back to dusting, vacuuming and laundry
before I go to Crazyquiltgirl fabric shop later this afternoon,
I'll back around 5 to start dinner then finish cleaning.
Tomorrow morning is grocery shopping
and if there is time I'll prep my cucs, peppers, onions, and celery
to make a double batch of relish...it is the best
...the recipe is here.

Hopefully I can find a bit of sewing time....
I have my Think Christmas projects to work on!!
I can't continue going to bed at 1 a.m. and sometimes later!!
I'm feeling whipped all the time.

Have a wonderful day
hugs and happy stitching
