and a not so fun first for me
this morning I'm at the dentist for a root canal....
A few weeks ago I was having tooth pain...
I procrastinated but finally made an appointment.
I figured it was either a loose filling or a cracked tooth.
....he confirmed it was a cracked tooth ....
I was scheduled for a root canal on July 7,
he gave me a prescription for antibiotics and home I went .
....on July 7 I arrive for my scheduled root canal....
while I was sitting in the chair waiting for the dentist to arrive
I was thinking 'do I really need this root canal, the pain had disappeared I decided to ask him the question.
he comes in the room and there is the usual chit are you doing...etc?
I said "I'm fine....I'd be better if I wasn't I really need this root canal?
I really don't want to have it if it is not necessary" emphasizing not.
He says..."Lets numb you and I'll take a closer look...
it is definitely cracked...but he can't really tell how deep the crack is...
he pokes around, turns off the overhead light and puts the chair back up
and actually looks disappointed and says
"we have to talk and make a plan....we are not doing a root canal today,
I'm almost positive the tooth can't be saved"
I really didn't want the root canal but I didn't want what he said next.....
"you are looking at surgical extraction and an implant".....ugh!!!
he starts drawing pictures on a piece of paper to better explain what has happened.
He says "if the cracked portion is deep into the gum,
and this is what I think has happened....
the tooth can not be saved "no dentist will be able to save it"
I didn't know what to say...just sat there for what seemed like 5 minutes a dork I said "can I have those drawings".
He cracked a smile and said "sure".
My appointment was made with the surgeon...August 3 was the day...
and home I went feeling sorry for myself.
I was eating lunch.....a hard boiled egg and the cracked portion fell off....
I called the dentist office and they wanted to see me right away....
I arrive and the dentist said....he suspected it would fall off.
He looked at the piece of tooth and in my mouth again......turns off the light, lifts my chair
and is looking pleased. "I want to try to save the tooth" he says.
and if by chance we have to go to plan B the monies spent on trying to save the tooth
will be credited to any work on the implant procedure".
He is smiling and says......."I really believe I can save the tooth."
I must say I am now OK with the root canal...
not happy....but it is better than having to go to Plan B.
and now a little bit of stitching

more about the dresses tomorrow.....and a giveaway!!