this is Annie. I own one and my 2 granddaughters each have one.....and you guessed it....I have 3 UFO's...some have the straight hair and some have yarn loops for hair.

this is Victoria. I've made three and yes three more UFO's.

this is Willard. I've made two and both have been gifted and you got it 2 more UFO's. This one has been a UFO for about 8 years....poor Willard, he does need his coat, scarf and pail of snowballs.

this collection of crafts were all made before I caught the quilting bug!
I also have a dear friend who is a Teddy Bear artist. I have a lot of her bears. I'll show more pictures in future posts. May even post a picture of the bears I've made...and a Teddy Bear artist I'm NOT. She designs her bears under the name Bren's Bears and is from Ontario. She taught me a lot about bear making...hope it all comes back to me when I get to those UFO's. I'm hoping I'll get to see her when we are back to Canada for Christmas. this bear. His name is Tristan and he is 10 years old.

I would really like to finish some of my UFO's....I can't call them WIP's as the body parts have been in plastic bins for over 8 years
....sEw there you have it...I'm sorry to say I'm really really BAD at finishing a project before I start another one and I'm finding I'm the same with my quilts. Do you finish a quilt before you start another?????
I have embroidered 36 snowmen blocks sEw far and have 4 more to embroider and I will have enough blocks to make 4 quilts. There are 8 snowmen blocks in each quilt. This is quilt #1.

#2 is just back from the quilters and the binding is almost finished. I'll be making the 3rd one in the new year and a 4th one when I get the other 4 blocks stitched.
The other 8 snowman blocks were a giveaway I had earlier in the month. They are now on their way to Karen in Australia.
My New Year's resolution is to......finish SOME of my UFO's...... and I've got LOTS .......
and to start quilting on my Gammill Classic.....wish me luck!