Wednesday I had a busy schedule
......baked these muffins in the the oven by 6:45 a.m. It is the recipe from my previous post.

I had 2 quilt outings the morning outing I worked on a binding for Mama Spark's Curious George quilt. I finished it last night when I had the another quilt outing.
Yes I joined the Fall-into-Fall Giveaway.......what was I thinking.........not sure what I got myself into. I'd been throwing ideas around in my head for a week or so and night I'd been trying to come up with something that you would really want to win........I shared my ideas with Mama Spark. She just loved the last idea I suggested and we decided we should do the same giveaway. Mama Spark loves Halloween. (That's a hint) We hope you love it too. We worked on it last night and are ready for tomorrow......when all the awesome giveaways are revealed.
Between quilt outings I managed to get some dusting and vacuuming done. Finally a few less dust all it was a very productive day.......I didn't get to the gym but did 20 minutes on the treadmill at home.
Today I spent a good part of my day blog hopping. Heather Ross had a studio sale a few weeks ago and today I got an email from box of goodies will be shipped in about a week. I am sooooo excited. It will be like Christmas in October when the box arrives. We don't know what we will be getting. We gave Heather a few guide lines as to what we would like .....fabric......crafts.....drawings.....stationery.....our order form had a list of things Heather had available for sale. The less specific we were the better chance we had of having our order filled. Not even sure what I ordered......I know fabric and fabric scrap bags were 2 of the things but what fabric is coming I don't know..... and you know what...... as long as it was designed by Heather Ross I'll take it...........The sale was over so fast...... lasted less than 30 minutes and she sent a posting on her blog.......... STUDIO SALE SOLD OUT!! We didn't really have time to think too long. I love her fabric and so does my DDIL. Heather is making this so much fun. I wish my DDIL (she lives in Canada) could be here to open it with me.
Please visit me tomorrow for the Fall-into-Fall Giveaway.
Till tomorrow